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Welcome to the Shantygoods website.

This thing started out as an online store, then morphed into my personal pages, with a potential blog thrown in there somewhere!

But wait, there's more!

I got tired of my ISP homepage telling me to click here to see Paris Hilton's latest rugburns, and how Beyonce hides the stretch-marks on her booty. Here's my homepage for straight, white, conservative males that don't believe you have to apologise for being so. This will give you some kind of idea of what interests me, and what pisses me off. Email Anthony


Click to go to my Custom Home Page HomePage: Home page for Conservative, Libertarian readers.

Click to go to my Custom desktop wallpaper Page Desktop: Desktop wallpaper page for getting organised.

Click to go to my Blog page Blog: Coming soon!

Click to go to my South African Army memoirs Military: My South African Army memoirs.

Click to go to my BMX racing page BMX racing: Info, techniques and training

Click to go to my storefront page Online Store: Buy some of my junk!

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In accordance with U.S. Code Title 17, Section 107, material on this site is distributed without profit to persons interested in such information for research and educational purposes. If you want to use any copyrighted material that may exist on this site for purposes that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.