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Table of Contents

Just in case you think you missed something, or if prefer to view the webpages in a different order, use these links. This page also ensures that all webpages that that have been published can be accessed. Anthony

My writings and views.
military_why.htm Introduction and back ground to why I did this project.
military.htm Details of my 2 years "National Service."
camps.htm Details of my 3 "Camps" or additional callups.
medals.htm Cross of Honour medals awarded in 1980.
epilogue.htm Impact that military service has had on me.
future_SA.htm Here's what I think is going to happen to South Africa.
ratel.htm Information on this armored vehicle. (incomplete)
cold_war.htm The Cold War and it's impact on today.
Cuba.htm Cuba is still a major problem for the world.
Angola_history.htm History of Angola, going back to the 1300's.
Angola_war_summary.htm Summary of the Angolan War from 1975 to 1989.

My Photo Albums.
photo_album.htm My photos and others that I feel illustrate my experiences.

Supporting Documents.
doc_Africa_post_coldwar.htm African Continent comes to grips with ravages of Cold War.
doc_castro_1977_tour.htm Castro reports to East German on progress in Africa.
doc_castro_explains_defeat.htm Castro explains how the Commies were defeated in Angola, before executing General Ochoa.
doc_SADF_involved_in_SWA.htm A Colonel's view of the SADF involvement in SWA and Cuba's games.
doc_cuba_in_latin.htm Cuba's support for Latin American revolutionary movements.
doc_cuba_visit.htm An Eye-Opening Cuban Vacation.
doc_cuban_archives.htm Cuba interprets history and records it that way.
doc_hollywood_loves_castro.htm Critics Assail Castro's 'Sickening' Grip on Hollywood Celebs.
doc_commie_press.htm The Vietnam War was arguably won on the ground but lost in the media and US Congress.
doc_commie_profs.htm Many lecturers teach their own interpretation on Vietnam, and that America’s involvement resulted from neo-imperialism driven by a corrupt capitalist system.
doc_commie_senator.htm The Vietnam-era antiwar movement got its propaganda from the Kremlin. How gullible US senators believed the "incriminating documents" and influenced the outcome of the war.
doc_intellectual_socialists.htm Only an intellectual would be able to justify a system which denies human nature!
doc_soviet_terror.htm From Russia With Terror, and the PLO.
doc_war_against_islam.htm And Then They Came After Us.
doc_UN_soviets.htm UN, Soviet aggression. President Reagan said, "We should not confuse the signing of agreements with the solving of problems."
doc_UN_NAM.htm The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was the organisation used by the Soviets to gain influence in the UN.
doc_UN_2005.htm The UN - Bolton is exactly what the U.N. needs.

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61 Mech motto: "Mobilitate Vincere" - Destruction of the enemy through mobility.